Professionally my life has been divided between three activities. Teaching is largely past tense now, but I started the studio art program at Messiah College (now University) in 1980. I served as Department Chair, held two successive Distinguished Professorships, and retired as Emeritus Professor of Art in 2009. I’ve also taught in Gordon College’s art intensive program in Orvieto Italy several times.


I’ve written about art a good bit too. I’ve had articles and essays published in several venues, including Image, American Arts Quarterly, and The New Criterion. I’ve written several catalog essays, edited a book about contemporary figurative art, A Broken Beauty, and curated an exhibition that included publishing a catalog about recent Jewish and Christian art, Like a Prayer. I wrote for and edited the art and faith organization CIVA’s (Christians in the Visual Arts) publication for over ten years and served as the organization’s second president.



Theodore Prescott, Sculptor

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